You Should Follow the Law of 100

I Wish I had discovered it years ago.

If you’ve been following me long enough, you know I had tried many things in the past. Whether it was blogs, YouTube channels, newsletters, I probably tried it. But I was never consistent with it.

And, being consistent with something makes all the difference you need to realize your dreams. And that’s where Noah Kagan’s Law of 100 makes things more tangible than vaguely saying just be consistent with something.

The Law of 100 states that if you try something, you should commit to 100 reps of that thing before ditching it.

Starting a blog? Plan to write 100 blog posts.

Starting a podcast? Plan to make 100 episodes.

Starting a Newsletter? Plan to send 100 issues.

Starting a YouTube channel? Plan to make 100 videos.

It already sounds easier than some other consistency methods you heard in the past:

  • 10,000 hours to mastery.

  • Building a habit.

  • Dividing tasks into smaller ones.

Sure, all of these still hold true, but giving yourself a frame of 100-something is making it sound more “attainable”

Let’s dive into some examples of how I plan to implement this law in my content creation process!

100 days of Posting on X(or Twitter)

Last Black Friday, I bought an annual subscription to Hypefury. I’ve been using it sporadically, but now I have a plan.

If I can crank out 100 days of tweets in a few days of intense scheduling, I could see a huge benefit to my engagement and views on the platform.

It still wouldn’t make me call it anything other than Twitter. Sorry ;)

My goal is scheduling posts until June 11th, 2024. And even then, there’s still so much year left after I do that. We’ll see where I get to.

100 Episodes of Geek Peek

There are currently 47 episodes at the end of season 2. For season 3 we will create the episodes before we release the season. Episode 100 is still not close. But we will get there.

Doing 53 more episodes means we will need to up our scheduling game for meetings. We will see how that works for us.

100 Articles on Nerd Space Magazine

There are currently over 55 articles on Nerd Space Magazine. Many of those are related to Dimension 20 and Worlds Beyond Number.

My plan is to combine work for Geek Peek and Nerd Space Magazine to create videos and articles that complement each other.

Instantly that means transcribing all of the episodes is also an amazing way to generate more long-form content for the blog.

But aside from that, I could also create videos and transcribe them for the blog.

That’s it!

What will you use the Law of 100 to accomplish? I’m excited to hear from you. Hit reply on the email or just comment below.

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